News & Events

January 2008

Creative Thesis Student Updates

An Update from Laureen Ricks and Michelle Friedline, directors of A Sh’mal World:

Where are you right now in the process of making your film and what obstacles are you facing?

We are focused on sorting through the more than 70 hours of footage we have shot, sequencing, and putting together a rough cut. We still have some key scenes to shoot which we hope to have completed by the end of February. Throughout production it has been quite challenging to keep current in our characters lives in order to film their adventures rather than just hearing about them afterwards. Our biggest concern now is structuring the most compelling story in our footage and adding the details of a new and interesting twist.

An Update from David Randag and Chris Brannan, directors of Standard Deviation:

Currently, we are focusing our efforts on editing the film. We are also aquiring supplementary visual materials through shooting b-roll and from some outside sources. We also plan on developing some light animations.

On the business end we are waiting to hear about our finishing grant from the University Film and Video Association. We are preparing marketing and distribution materials, such as press kits, licensing information, and film festival applications.
