CHRISTINE MOYE -- Guten Tag! I'm a junior photojournalism major with a minor in business. I've always lived in Florida and both of my parents are Gators. Recently I've started getting more involved with my major by freelancing. My passion is photography and traveling. I spent last summer in Italy and loved it -- so I'm very excited about traveling to Europe again.

NICK PAGE -- Hello, I am a native of the Chicago area and just moved here six months ago.  I have never been out of the country before, so this trip will be a big deal for me.  My previous classes didn’t have anything to do with photo, but with the time I have before the trip I am hoping to sharpen my skills.  I like to drum and skateboard.  My major is in Studio Art but I have always had an itch to design houses.  I am really looking forward to this trip and I cannot wait to meet and have fun with all of you.  Peace.

KATIE GALLAGHER -- I'm a 19-year-old journalism major minoring in women's studies.  I've lived in Orlando all my life, and I've never left the country -- or even the east coast.  I'm looking forward to finally traveling and to celebrating my 20th birthday in Berlin!  I love to take pictures, so I take my camera everywhere, though I can't say I'm particularly gifted with it.  I've wanted to do this trip since I heard about it freshman year, and I can't wait to get to know all of you.

LAURA HEALD -- I am a 20-year-old sophomore majoring in journalism and political science.  I was born and raised in Ponte Vedra Beach, and I am a third generation Gator.  I have yet to choose a specialization in journalism but since I have always enjoyed taking pictures I thought I would give photojournalism a shot.  I am very excited to go to Deutschland this summer.  I have never been to Germany but I have heard good things. On this trip, I hope to see some good sites, make some good friends and take some good pictures. See you all there!

INDIA LANE -- I am a 22-year-old, fourth-year telecommunication major. I was born and raised in the beautiful city of Jacksonville. I am super excited about traveling to Germany because this will be my first voyage to Europe. Photography has always been an enjoyable pastime for me, so what better way to spend the first part of my summer! This is going to be a blast...can't wait to meet everyone! :-)

KYLA DISMUKES -- Hey groupies.  Wow, am I stoked to go to Berlin! I've actually never been to Europe but absolutely love to travel. I'm a 20-year-old junior in the telecomm-production field. I highly enjoy making educational and experimental videos that lure people to think outside the box. I'm minoring in environmental studies and fantasize about working for National Geographic publications. I anticipate this experience to be very beneficial and fun!
KELLY SEREIKAS -- Hi everyone! I'm Kelly. I'm a journalism student, most likely following the magazine track, but still keeping my mind open for any new inspiration. I also have a minor in art history. I'm really excited to go to Europe! This spring break I'm going for my first time to Europe; I'll be in Italy for eight days. I'm really excited to meet everyone and have a good time. My 20th birthday is on May 22, so get ready to celebrate!

JACKIE ROSANSKY – I am 20 years old, studying photojournalism at UF.  Originally from Margate, I am the only one in my family not from NY.  For three years in high school I worked at Our Town News in my hometown writing articles and doing administrative work for the newspaper.  A transfer student from Florida Atlantic University, I also worked on the FAU University Press as a staff photographer and was responsible for my own column.  I have never been to Europe and am looking forward to traveling to Berlin in May during which time I will be turning 21! 

KRISTEN HUFF -- Hello all. I'm a 19-year-old freshman journalism major who is more than ready to break in her renewed passport. I've been to Europe twice, but Germany is new to me, as is having no concept of the language of my destination. I claim to be from New Jersey, the home of my childhood, though I was born in Maryland and have lived in the Sunshine State for 10 years. My heart belongs to the pen, but I did flirt with the camera during high school. I am completely thrilled to return to my old flame in the setting of Berlin. See you soon! 
CARLOS BAEZ -- I'm a junior majoring in photojournalism with a minor in Spanish.  I was born in Connecticut (a fact that most people who know me don't believe), but grew up in South Florida. I've traveled quite a bit, in parts of Latin America, but I've never been to Europe, so this will be a completely new experience for me. I'm also looking forward to learning some German because although I am bilingual, I don't think my Spanish will get me very far in Berlin. I'm excited to have the opportunity of mixing two things I love -- traveling and photography. 
SARAH JONES -- I am a 19-year-old freshman majoring in
journalism. I am from Clearwater, and have lived there my
whole life. This will be my second trip to Europe, and I am
terrified of getting lost where I don't speak a word of the native
language. However, I am extremely excited about our trip, because traveling is definitely one of my three favorite things to do. Writing is my true love, but who could pass up the opportunity to study ANY kind of journalism in Germany? I am hoping to improve my photojournalism skills in May, and I am really looking forward to meeting all of you!
RACHEL  ROBINS -- I'm a junior double majoring in journalism and sports management. I currently cover gymnastics for the Alligator. While in college, I  have traveled to Montreal, London, Israel and soon Germany. After the trip, I am studying political journalism at Georgetown University for the rest of the summer.  My grandmother was born in Berlin, and she's so excited that I am going back to her hometown as am I.
SARAH HSU --  I am a 19-year-old sophomore who was born in D.C. but grew up in Nashville, Tenn.  I moved to Gainesville a little over six years ago and have been here ever since.  I've always loved taking pictures; thus that's why I'm a photojournalism major.  And my other love is music (I play piano and sing) thus that's why I'm a music minor.  I've never been to Europe before so I'm really excited about going to Berlin, meeting and getting to know all of you, and taking some awesome pictures.  I only know a couple of words in German but hope to learn more of the language and culture while I'm there.

BEN WILHELM -- I'm a 21-year-old journalism major.  I transferred here from Tallahassee Community College where I received my AA. Besides two years there, I was born and raised in Miami. I had been very much involved in the TCC newspaper so I came to UF as a journalism major. However, when I arrived here I decided I didn't want to major in journalism and took all sorts of other classes. A year, and a minor in education later, I'm back in journalism trying to earn enough credits to graduate without too many extra semesters added on. As for Berlin, I can't wait. Since we are buying our own tickets I am hoping to go early or come back later and visit a few other places in Europe.

JON MICHAEL RICHARDSON -- I am sophomore journalism major from Palm Harbor. I was born in Johnson City, Tenn. (in the same hospital as Steve Spurrier) and moved to Florida when I was 6. I am extremely excited about this trip and can't wait for the fun to start. I don't know any German but I love photography and hope to learn a ton on this trip. Looking forward to meeting all of you!
JOHN FREEMAN -- I'm the professor taking the group to Berlin. This photo was taken during my first experience living in  Germany, when I was in the second, third and fourth grades. I've grown some since then. My Air Force father was later assigned to Berlin, where I graduated from high school.  I'm a real sucker for nostalgia, and look forward to returning to this fascinating city for my third study-abroad trip. My family thinks that red hat belonged to my twin sister, but no one knows why I am wearing it.